Speak Marathi was born after we noticed the struggle of Maharashtrian parents who tried to teach their young children Marathi. Since then, we have worked with different kinds of learners, of all ages, who are eager to learn spoken Marathi for various reasons. We’re proud of and excited about the different types of students we have at Speak Marathi! Read on to learn about them.
Teens and young adults generally end up as receptive bilinguals. These children, in their forming years, first start speaking and understanding their native language at home. But as they grow up and have extensive contact with the outside world, they shy away from Marathi. A receptive bilingual is a person who has had native-like exposure to a language, usually during their childhood, but cannot actively speak it. The great news is that most teenagers and young adults are pretty good with the nuances of the language, having heard it for so long. They end up picking it up pretty quickly, and their progress is phenomenal.
Marrying into a different culture is wonderful, double the family and double the fun. Sometimes when a partner and in-laws speak a different native language, it is easy to feel disconnected. Some of our students are learning Marathi to bond with their new families, usually from oceans away. Their joy at being able to have a conversation with their mother-in-law in her native tongue is beautiful. The Marathi may not be perfect yet, but the love definitely is.
Maharashtrian culture is rich and fascinating, with so much to learn. Many cultural nuances can be better understood by way of their original language. Some students at Speak Marathi learn the language to be able to understand and appreciate Mharashtrian culture.
Their sessions are endlessly informative, and sometimes they end up teaching us something new about our own culture. We love it!
Cities in Maharashtra have become a hub for business, with people moving from all parts of the country and the world to live here. The people of Maharashtra will generally speak more than one language, but it always helps to be able to communicate in Marathi. Speaking to neighbours, chai wallahs, vegetable vendors, and colleagues becomes so much easier when the language of communication changes to Marathi. We love hearing about our students’ interactions in the outside world, where their effort of talking in Marathi led to a fruitful conversation!
Which kind of learner would you be? Why do you want to #SpeakMarathi?
1. Young children
Usually born outside India, to parents of Indian heritage The idea for the Speak Marathi platform stemmed from our youngest learners, and they remain our most enthusiastic ones! Most of these children have been born outside India to parents of Indian heritage. They grow up with almost no knowledge of their homeland and language, mostly because it’s overwhelming for parents or grandparents to ensure constant practice. The children learning at Speak Marathi make up our favourite sessions, their excitement is contagious and it’s always a ball interacting with them. And hearing them talk about their conversations with their beloved aaji-ajoba is heartwarming!2. Teens and young adults
Brought up outside India, disconnected from Maharashtrian culture
3. Adults with Marathi-speaking partners
Becoming a part of a Marathi-speaking family
4. Cultural learners
Understanding and appreciating Maharashtrian culture
5. Professionals living and working in Maharashtra
For daily conversations in the outside world